Saturday, October 17, 2015

To Whom It May Concern

I'm nearing the end of another improv dance challenge, and this song has been in my rotation for the past 90 days or so.  I dread it.  Not because it's a bad song -- I did like it well enough to purchase it, after all.  But because for me this has been a wallowing song.

A wallowing song is a song I put on when I am feeling depressed or overwhelmed and I would like to wallow in it a little bit before I go out into the world as if nothing has happened.  This particular song featured heavily in the Year of Wallowing, right after the divorce.  Because music is a powerful emotional trigger, every time I hear it I am taken back to that year.

The rules of the challenge dictated that once a song was selected for me, I was stuck with it for the entire challenge.  So every time this song came up on my rotation,  I tried to dance but ended up doing more wallowing.  I think I described the quality of my dance as "trying not to cry" every time.

This week, though, I think I finally shed the last edges of wallowing.  The day I danced this song, I was rushed, not thinking much, and I put it on and just started moving.  About halfway through I realized that I felt different.  I finally got to that other quality of the song -- the hopefulness and the optimism.   I relaxed with it because that is really my nature -- hopeful and optimistic.  It has been a weird, ridiculous, bad time in dating world lately, but that is only one part of life.  And eventually, I am sure, it will come around to the rest of my life, which is pretty good right now.

Meanwhile, why not sing about it ---

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