But this time of year does invite introspection and reflection. The short daylight hours and colder weather drives me indoors, into stiller and stiller pursuits. The days off while great groups of people celebrate their winter holidays gives me time to daydream, plan, vision.
I am leaving soon for time away from all blinking, beeping, buzzing things. I am taking this time to hunker down and really plan in a way I never have before. Although it feels a little woo-woo, I am going to vision out what I want for the next year. I hope to come back with a detailed, written description of everything I hope (believe?) will happen for me in the next year.
Before that, though, I thought it would be fun to look back at my list of Things I Did This Year That I Never Thought I Would Do In Life. In no particular order, here they are:
--danced barefoot on a bar floor
--traveled alone to another country
--claimed my identity as a small business owner
--went zip-lining
--performed (twice!) at a street fair
--got a massive tattoo, with color in it
--*** *** *** *** (Whatever you are imagining -- if it involves nakedness, you're probably right.)
--broke someone's heart (See, it's not all celebratory.)
--fired a professional who had worked with me for years
--gave away or sold every last fancy table decor thing
--gave away or sold every last fancy table decor thing
--took long walks alone in the woods, during deer hunting season
--called out my employer for illegal labor practices
--sent my writing out into the world without hours of agonizing over minutiae